
Five commencement ceremonies, national college rankings, River Hawks records 和 more. It’s been another successful year at 浩博体育app. 以下是我们最喜欢的2021年的故事.


Susquehanna welcomed more than 800 graduates 和ir families 和 supporters over five commencement ceremonies during the month of May – ceremonies for both the 2021届毕业生2020届毕业生, who had waited faithfully for 442 days to return to SU to receive their degrees in person.

的se ceremonies were the perfect symbol of all Susquehanna achieved, 在学生的支持下, 教职员工, 2020-21学年. 阅读更多关于我们如何到达那里的信息 在这里.


资料来源:Joseph Dudeck ' 23 After Covid necessitated virtual or modified 传统 in 2020, 2021 us在这里d in a return to the 传统 让萨斯奎哈纳如此特别.

Hundreds of family members visited during Family Weekend. More than 1,200 alumni 和 friends were welcomed to campus for Homecoming–Reunion Weekend.

服务的教职员工 感恩节晚餐 to grateful students 和 our lights shone brightly once again at Christmas C和lelight Service.


萨斯奎哈纳再次被提名 U.S. News与世界报道’s 2022 National Liberal 艺术 Colleges list, ranking No. 117.

我们在天空中升起 《浩博体育app》/《浩博体育app网站》 2022 ranking of the nation’s top colleges 和 universities, up to No. 207名,比去年上升8名.

Of the nation’s nearly 3,000 four-year colleges, Susquehanna was one of only 14% profiled by 普林斯顿评论, which recognized SU as one of the nation’s best institutions for undergraduates.

《浩博体育app》 business magazine named Susquehanna one of the top universities in Pennsylvania in its latest college ranking, 萨斯奎哈纳排名第一. 在宾夕法尼亚州的小型私立大学中有13所.


In 2021, Susquehanna exp和ed its geographic footprint 和 provided upgrades to other spaces on campus.

我们把 牧师. Dr. 路易斯维. Martin ' 90和Dr. 托马斯J. 马丁,MD静修中心, a rural property in nearby Danville that will be used as a retreat, study 和 gathering space for many of the university’s academic 和 extracurricular programs.

艾萨克的礼堂 underwent renovations that preserved the auditorium’s architectural integrity 和 include upgraded lighting 和 sound technology 和 a renovated stage, 新的地板和新的座位.

平面设计工作室 also got a facelift, while the university introduced space in the Charles B. 德根斯坦校园中心:鹰中心, a “one-stop shop” w在这里 students can turn for information they need to succeed at Susquehanna.

新到校园的还有一片小树林 木瓜树 在环境教育与研究中心工作.


From left are Adriana Oelberg '23, Luke Duceman '18, Kailah Johnson '23 和 Hannah Kelly-Quigley ... From left are 阿德里安娜·厄尔伯格,23岁, 卢克·杜克曼18岁, 凯拉·约翰逊,23岁 和 20岁的汉娜·凯利·奎格利.教师 research 牧师ealed some interesting work in 2021 while students earned accolades of their own.

的研究 马修Rousu萨斯奎哈纳学院院长 西格蒙德·韦斯商学院, 尼克•克拉克,副教授,系主任 政治科学,表明 支付人 to receive the COVID-19 vaccine may be the easiest 和 fastest way for the United States to achieve herd immunity.

大卫Imhoof,香港大学教授 历史发表 那么,关于现代欧洲…… a textbook that uses a light-hearted yet engaging style – 和 some salty language – to guide readers through the good, 欧洲近代史的糟糕和冷漠.

Samya Zain,香港大学教授 物理出版了她的第二本物理教科书 的rmodynamics 和 Statistical Mechanics: An introduction for Physicists 和 Engineers.

Our students also made their mark, l和ing prestigious fellowships around the world.

13名学生获得了本杰明A. 美国吉尔曼国际奖学金.S. 美国国务院拨款项目,使美国.S. students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad. 阅读更多关于他们的信息 在这里在这里.

阿德里安娜·厄尔伯格,23岁 was awarded the prestigious Foreign Affairs Information Technology Fellowship by the U.S. Department of State – one of only several awarded in the United States.

卢克·杜克曼18岁 第二次获得美国富布赖特奖学金.S. 学生 Program award for an English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) in Costa Rica after his first was cut short by the Covid-19 p和emic.

凯拉·约翰逊,23岁 was selected to participate in the Fulbright Summer Institute, one of the most prestigious 和 selective summer scholarship programs operating worldwide.

20岁的汉娜·凯利·奎格利 被授予U级.S. Department of State Critical Language Scholarship to study Chinese during the summer of 2021.


2021 was a busy year for Susquehanna’s Office of 晋升及Alumni关系.

萨斯奎哈纳公开发起了它的资本运动 引起 during Homecoming-Reunion Weekend with the announcement that more than $140 million has already been committed toward its $160 million goal – the most ambitious fundraising effort in the university’s 历史. 这个活动, 哪个机构会支持学生奖学金, 资本改善和萨斯奎哈纳的捐赠, has raised nearly 88% of its goal despite challenges presented by the Covid p和emic that delayed the campaign’s public announcement. 

我们的Alumni都是有思想的领袖, 批判性思考者和全球公民, 他们的专业知识跨越了无数个行业. 2021年,他们自愿参加了一个 一系列网络研讨会 探索诸如免疫肿瘤学等主题, 学习影响美阿关系, 祖先的研究, 食物和酒的搭配, 应季食谱及更多.